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By Tania Assigbley

On January 19, 2025, Cégep André-Laurendeau welcomed over 725 enthusiastic participants for the Quebec Conference Officers’ Congress. It was an exceptional day filled with inspiring presentations, moments of sharing, and a clear vision for the future of the Conference’s mission.

A Morning Focused on Strategy and Mission

The morning plenary session featured several speeches from influential figures. The President of the Quebec Conference, Pastor Kyala Ngoy, presented the strategic plan emphasizing the five-year vision: “Spiritually mature, I will go.” He urged each member to achieve spiritual maturity, enabling them to overcome internal conflicts and become disciples committed to fulfilling the Lord’s mission.

The detailed strategic plan included several key components: spiritual growth within churches, major projects, evangelism, administration, pastoral training, and follow-up on proposals. All these elements converge toward a single objective: accomplishing the mission entrusted by Christ.

Among the flagship projects for 2024, Pastor Kyala highlighted the opening of a new Il est Écrit studio in Quebec City, in partnership with Hope Channel Canada, as well as the creation of a studio in Montreal, located in the same building as the It Is Written church on Rosemont Street. These initiatives aim to produce more content to reach a wider audience.

Another significant project is ADRA Quebec, which works closely with local communities. A specific project for the village of Kitcisakik was mentioned, aiming to provide running water to residents. This project fully embodies the spirit of service and compassion at the heart of the mission.

The President concluded his speech with this poignant quote from Ellen G. White: “Christ is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of Himself in His Church. When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own.” (E.G. WhiteChrist’s Object Lessons, pp. 43-44).

Pentecost 2025: A Call to Action

Pastor Sylvain Duval, Director of Personal Ministries, introduced Pentecost 2025, an initiative of the North American Division. He emphasized the importance of the Total Member Involvement program, which equips and trains disciples to actively participate in the spiritual harvest. He urged participants to pray for personal transformation and unity in action for the mission.

Inspiring Speakers and Promising Projects

Several other speakers enriched the day:

  • Pastor Luders Julsain (Executive Secretary) introduced the Conference’ new employees and announced the acquisition of Domaine du Lac Caché campground, a true blessing for the members.
  • Pastor Lucian Stefanescu presented the financial report for the year.
  • David Schwinghammer, National Director of ADRA Canada, shared inspiring testimonies about the impact of this humanitarian organization and encouraged everyone to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.
  • Pedro Torres, Director of Espoir Média Québec, presented his 2024 annual report, highlighting achievements and future prospects.
  • Julia Falla, Director of Greaves Academy, showcased the enriching activities offered to students and made an appeal to parents to increase enrollments.

A Day of Learning and Exchange

After a friendly lunch, participants took part in various practical workshops. The day concluded around 4:00 PM, leaving everyone inspired and motivated to engage further in the mission.

The Quebec Conference warmly thanks all participants, speakers, and organizers who made this congress a success. We pray that God continues to raise dedicated men and women for the advancement of His Kingdom in Quebec.

See you in 2025 for even more impactful actions in service to the Lord!

If you’d like to see or re-watch the morning’s main speeches on video:

Officers’ Convention Playlist

Relive this day in pictures!

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