Quebec Conference announces the election of Pastor Luders Julsain as Executive Secretary.
Montreal, December, 7th, 2024 –
As the year draws to a close, our hearts overflow with gratitude for our Lord’s goodness to us. It has been a year of growth, of surmounted challenges, and of significant successes, both in our projects and in the life of our community.
This time of transition also coincides with the midterm point of our current administration. Thanks to the guidance of our God, the vision and mission of the Quebec Conference are clearly taking shape and are manifested in our actions. It is within this dynamic of progress that the administration has deemed it necessary to make a few administrative changes, with the aim of better harmonizing our efforts and channelling everyone’s strengths to accomplish the divine mission entrusted to us.

Thus, the Board of Directors of the Quebec Conference, during its November 30, 2024, meeting voted to elect Pastor Luders Julsain as Executive Secretary of the Quebec Conference. Pastor Julsain, recently ordained during Il Est Écrit’s (It Is Written) 50th anniversary celebrations, is a committed servant with an undeniable passion for evangelism.
Father of two, he has been serving the Quebec Conference since 2019 but has been ministering as an evangelist and local church department director since his youth in Haiti. We are confident that the experience he has acquired both in preaching evangelistic campaigns and in the administrative management of his dentist’s practice and local churches will be a valuable asset in his new role.
The Conference would also like to express its deep gratitude to his predecessor, Pastor Marc Bouzy, for his dedication to this position over the past two years. We salute his enthusiasm and innovative spirit, which have enriched our vision. We firmly believe that God will continue to use his talents in this new phase of his ministry.
As we embark on a new year, the Quebec Conference is not only overflowing with gratitude for what the Lord has enabled us to accomplish in 2024; we are also filled with hope and faith for the future, confident that God will continue to bless our work.
We encourage you to pray for the Quebec Conference’s team of officers, that, under the Lord’s guidance, we may fulfill His will and bear the fruit of the Spirit in all our actions.
May the Lord bless the Quebec Conference!
Ngoy Kyala
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Quebec Conference