Greetings to my fellow brothers and sisters of the Quebec Conference!
We are happy to announce to you the stewardship revival week which will be happening from the 30th of November to the 07th of December 2024.
The 2024 Stewardship Revival Week, entitled “God First . . . My Lifestyle,” offers another opportunity to reflect on the importance of reformation in the practical details of our daily lives. Outward reformation flows from an inner revival that can “be expected only in answer to prayer” (Ellen G. White, True Revival, p. 9).
Let us embrace during this week three critical postures in our personal relationship with God: to Know, to humble, and to submit!
- To know: We are called to learn about God’s designs for our lives as we consider each topic, making it personal and bringing us to practical decisions.
- To humble: Let’s come daily to our Lord with humbleness (James 4:6), and He will lift up each one of us (James 4:10), allowing the impact of His Spirit in our life to produce revival and reformation (Romans 12:2).
- To submit: Let’s submit our lives totally to our Lord, and He will ensure us a life of victories (James 4:7). The submission of our lives daily includes giving our time, relationships, body/health, talents/gifts, and belongings/assets for the Lord to use us powerfully in the mission He entrusted to us personally.
Our Guest speaker for our revival week will be the Stewardship Director of the North America Division, Pastor Michael Harp. Stewardship is not meant only for adults and youths, but also for the children. That is the reason why we will be having a special program for them as well with the help of the Quebec Conference Children ministry director, Elsie Colie.
In her book, Prophets and Kings, p. 626, Ellen White says: Christians should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise, and this preparation they should make by diligently studying the word of God and striving to conform their lives to its precepts.’’
This week, let us put God first and commit to faithfulness and generosity in all areas of our lives—including tithe and regular, proportional and systematic offerings. Hence, the Savior will use us effectively to reach out to others and help them to meet Jesus Christ, our Savior. “May the Lord directs your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance” (2 Thessalonians 3:5).