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By Gabi Roléa ( member of SDA Romanian Church Montreal )

Edited par Tania Assignley

Are you captivated by stories of adventure around the world, fueled by a desire to have a personal experience with God? The following story is for you!

At the 2019 International Explorers Camporée in Oshkosh, I visited the AWR360 booth with a few fellow pathfinders.

There I exchanged my email address for photos and agreed to receive AWR’s weekly newsletters. Since then, I’ve been amazed by the fascinating stories of missions around the world and have been inspired to live those stories.

Seizing my opportunity: Papua New Guinea for Christ 2024

At the end of 2023, I received a long-awaited email: an invitation to go on a medical mission to Papua New Guinea. After much prayer, I felt God calling me to go on this adventure.

The goal was to participate in the Mega Health Clinic in April 2024 as part of the evangelism series: Papua New Guinea for Christ 2024. Together with my friend Victoria and various international and local organizations and volunteers, we spent an entire year preparing.

Crédit photo: Gabi Roléa

Mega Health Clinic in Mt Hagen, PNG, April 16–19, 2024

Working alongside Victoria in the triage tent, I was deeply impressed by the resilience of the patients. Their determination to overcome obstacles in the pouring rain to access medical care inspired me deeply.

Crédit photo: Gabi Roléa
Crédit photo: Gabi Roléa

During these busy days, we faced some unique challenges. The answers to the question “How can we help you?” were not simple. Many expressed their desire to walk or see again.
I’ve never felt so helpless. How can we help a cripple walk? How can we make the blind see?

This situation made me realize that we are Jesus’s hands and feet on earth. If we let Him guide us, He will do wonderful things.

Jesus Christ was with us all the time

I met Jesus in Papua New Guinea. I witnessed physical and mental healings. I felt His protecting presence at every stage of our mission.

This experience strengthened my faith and expanded my spiritual family.

In the end

During this Evangelistic Series, which ended on May 11, 2024, over 200,000 people were baptized, accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

This mission was much more than providing medical care. It was an encounter with our Creator God, an affirmation of our duty to love and serve our fellow human beings.

“ And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14, (NKJ).

The gospel of the kingdom is now being preached to all nations, and they are accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior! What are we waiting for to use our talents in God’s service?

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