By Sergena Obas

On June 12th, the office staff gathered to say goodbye to Pastor Teddy Bagassien. In front of a table laid with succulent dishes, many expressed their affection for him.
Pr. Bouzy said, “Pr. Teddy’s ministry has greatly improved over the years. He has been an asset to the youth.” Sara shared, “Pr. Teddy is my pastor. He officiated my wedding and taught me a lot.” Susana added, “Since I arrived at the office, Pr. Teddy has always spoken to me in Spanish, and this made me feel at home.”
Pr. Teddy was surprised to see Denise Nadeau, his long-time secretary who is now retired, but who still wanted to say farewell. With teary eyes, he went around the room to give a bear hug to everyone.
We are proud of his success, but we will miss him tremendously. The youth who attended last year’s retreat promise not to forget his advice.
After serving in Quebec for 13 years as a district pastor, youth director, family life director, and more, Pr. Teddy has accepted a call to serve as the children’s pastor of the Sligo Church of Washington Adventist University. His duty will be to enlist hundreds of children in the army of Christ, as the early years are crucial. He will be in charge of vacation Bible school and everything related to the spiritual development of young children. He will also serve as an advisor to parents.
Somehow, the road has been cleared for him because his wife, Isabelle, has a master’s degree in elementary education and has worked in this field for many years. Additionally, she is a trainer for the Children’s Ministry of the North American Division. This explains why Elsie Collie-Daley, Director of Children’s Ministries for the Quebec Conference, was heartbroken when she learned of their departure. She had always relied on Isabelle to enliven the children’s workshops and had found a kindred spirit in her.
We know that Pr. Teddy’s heart will remain in Quebec, and since Washington is not too far away, he will come back to give us a friendly nod as soon as he can.