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Le studio multimédia déménage.

The work on the new studio in Quebec City is progressing quickly. The IEE team has been working at a fast pace to produce two-thirds of the 2024-2025 season in advance. This effort allows us time to move this July and to settle in during the summer and the start of the new school year in the new location on Wilfrid-Hamel Boulevard, in Quebec City.

Please note, it is the Il Est Écrit (TV) studio that is moving. We remind you that the Il Est Écrit Center (church), under the responsibility of Pastor Alberto Sosa, as well as an office for listener follow-up and the shipping/delivery of listener orders, will remain in the building. You can pick up your orders at 4505 Rosemont Blvd, Montreal, from Monday to Wednesday, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Thank you for your support through your prayers and donations to support this ministry, which is growing to join the Hope Channel Canada family.

Pedro Torres, Director of Il Est Écrit Multimedia.

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